Uzbek Telegraph Agency

Tashkent, 17:36 | 26 november

About us - UzTAG

The Uzbek Telegraph Agency (UzTAG) was launched on January 27, 2014.

The online daily news line covers the major news and events in the social, political, economic, cultural and sport life of Uzbekistan in Russian and Uzbek.

It also provides viewpoints, comments and interviews by experts. The agency’s operation principles are reliability, operational responsiveness and objectivity.

Among the readers of the news and analytical materials of the UzTAG there are representatives of the national and foreign mass media, government and business agencies, public and international organizations, diplomatic missions, as well as enterprises of the real sector of the economy.

The UzTAG is a partner of the international news agencies network that includes the KazTAG (Kazakhstan), the KyrTAG (Kyrgyzstan), the TajikTA (Tajikistan), the AfTAG (Afghanistan), the IrTAG (Iran) and the Silkroadnews news agency covering events in China and countries along The Great Silk Road.